
How to book an Appointment

To book an appointment visit our consulting roomIf you require an urgent same day appointment, there are appointments available for booking online which release at 08:00 each morning with a doctor or a nurse. Please provide a short summary of the problem when booking and specify whether you would like a face-to-face, telephone or video consultation appointment.

Our telephone lines are also open from 08:00 each morning for urgent same day appointments with a doctor or a nurse. Our reception team will ask the nature of the problem to enable them to book the appointment with the appropriate clinician. You can book either a face-to-face consultation, telephone consultation or video consultation with a clinician.

For all other appointments it is recommended you book these in advance using our online appointment booking service, SystmOnline.

Before you can use SystmOnline, you first must register for online services with the practice. There are many services available and it is quick and easy to use.

Alternatively, you can download the NHS App for your smartphone or tablet to arrange appointments online.

You can also book an appointment by telephoning the surgery on 01206 574483. If possible, please call after 10:00 to arrange a routine appointment.

Book an appointment via SystmOnline now.

Early Morning, Late Evening and Weekend Clinics

We hold clinics outside of the practice’s usual operating hours that are available for booking. Clinics are held with a range of different clinicians including GPs, Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Health Care Assistants, Physiotherapists, Pharmacists and Health Coaches. All early morning, late evening and weekend clinics must be pre-booked with the surgery.

There will be no walk-in availability. Telephone calls to the surgery during these times will be diverted to the out of hours service. Most appointments are available to book online, or alternatively telephone 01206 574483 during normal surgery opening hours to arrange an appointment.


If for any reason you are unable to attend your appointment, please let the surgery know as soon as possible so it can be made available for another patient. If you received an appointment reminder via text message, you can reply using the cancel button or by replying ‘CANCEL’.

Alternatively, please fill in our online form or call 01206 574483.

Home Visits

Home visits can be arranged for those patients who are too ill to attend the practice or are housebound. Please book in for a telephone consultation to discuss the requirement for a home visit with a clinician.

Telephone 01206 574483 during normal surgery opening hours to book an appointment.


Blood test results are available online.

Please log in to your SystmOnline account to view your results.

Alternatively, please call 01206 574483 after 10:00 to obtain your results from a member of the admin team. If the doctor has requested a discussion with you regarding your result, the team member will book you in accordingly.